Sunday, March 01, 2020

Back in Arizona: Boondocking in area B of the Barry Goldwater AF Range

Woke very early today to catch a 6:20 AM flight back to Phoenix, AZ.

Martha, my loving wife and Patrick drove me to the airport and dropped me off, then they hurried home to get back in bed!  :)

The flight was uneventful, I made sure to touch nothing if at all possible and used lots of Purell on my hands, often.  I even sprayed parts of the airplane seat with a small can of Lysol provided by Martha!

Being an early flight, I got to take some pictures of today's sunrise as the plane flew towards it's operating altitude:

 A gateway through the space-time continuum?
Nah, just playing around with Lightroom's editing tools.
Below is the less modified photograph:

 I liked the shadows and hues created by the cloud
layers in this shot.

Hopefully, I won't get sick again from air travel.

Got picked up at the Phoenix airport by my father-in-law, Richard and he drove us back to his place in Sun City.  From there I rode Fiona to the RV storage place in Goodyear, AZ and retrieved Uma, the URRV.

I returned to my FIL's place and packed up my belongings into the URRV, filled her up with fresh water and after lunch with my FIL, left for Gila Bend, AZ.  I discovered that the backup camera sending unit had apparently failed.  After verifying that I was getting power all the way to the circuit board involved, it was time to order another one.  It'll be at my FIL's place by Tuesday and I hope to pick it up from him once I leave the Gila Bend, AZ area.

Enroute, I stopped by a Safeway grocery store to stock up on some food items, get gas for the URRV and such logistics prior to camping.

Got to Gate #9 of the Area B portion of the Barry Goldwater Air Force Range at around 4:35 PM with no issues and found the spot I'd found in an earlier ride back in January.  The idea is to spend a few days doing some hiking, exploring the southern half of Area B with the motorcycles.

Not a bad spot eh?

Tonight's sunset was "OK", the alpenglow or the coloration of the clouds to the east proved better than the actual sunset which was cloudless.


The URRV appears to be also positioned well, purely by chance on my part, to reflect the sunset's colors in its windows:


SonjaM said...

The sunset colours reflected in the window are a perfect match to the stripes on your camper. The second to last one is the best! Enjoy your stay and I hope you didn't catch this nasty corona virus or the likes on that flight.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks SonjaM, I just realized the match when you mentioned it.

Bluekat said...

The images from the plane are just gorgeous. Looks like the sky is on fire. Also like the last two. Sometimes when the sunset doesn’t cooperate you find another angle that looks lovely. The last one is a cozy campsite.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks for the comments Bluekat, the sunrise made up mostly for the fact I was trapped in a metal tube full of germs....

CCjon said...

Dom, glad to hear you are back on the road. What would Colorodians do without southern Arizona and New Mexico?

I agree, the second to last phot I like best.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks CCJon, so glad that AZ and NM are next door !