The new KBC helmet arrived yesterday afternoon, I wore it to the local Progressive Insurance office and after some minor hassle getting in, was able to to turn in the old helmet along with the towing invoice to one of the employees there. Hopefully, I'll see a reimbursement check soon from them to cover the cost of the new helmet and towing of the motorcycle on the day of the accident.

After this chore, I swung by the Gander Mountain Sporting Goods store on Abilene and found a two-pistol carrying case just perfect in size to mount on the cargo rack on Brigitta.
Finally, a shot of the LED tail light that I added below the stock taillight assembly on Brigitta. I'd found the stock light "lacking" in terms of being noticeable in bright daylight. Now, it's noticeable. The main brake light is much brighter so no chance of the LED taillight being confused with having my brakes on.

It's going to be a hot day today, it was nice and cool while riding in the first half of the morning but I was already starting to feel warm when I got home for lunch. I also visited a fellow member of the ColoradoBeemers Motorcycle Club in the hospital. Poor Bob has all kinds of ailments and the doctors seem at a loss to figure out why. Hope he gets better soon.
Update: 19SEP08: topcase long gone, replaced by this for now:
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