Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Now in Idaho, boondocking with Martha

Yesterday, Martha flew into Spokane's airport and we drove to the Albeni Falls COE (Corps of Engineers) Campground about an hour away.  We did stop in Spokane to stock up on Martha-level provisions and booze.

We were joined there by the Z's after they'd done their errands within Spokane.

Nice little campsite with 14 spots, some of those for tents only.  Nice views of the lake created by the nearby dam.

Wednesday, May 31

We all left the COE campground before 9AM.  We'd set up a rendezvous for lunch less than 100 miles away at the "town" of Good Grief, close to the border with Canada.

Martha and I made a stop at the visitor center for the Albeni Falls Dam.  Most of the place was locked though the sign said open.  Oh well, a stroll down a path led to this view of the dam:

The other side of the railroad bridge

The name Good Grief was, basically, the draw for us.  It's basically one building, a cafe/bar.  We had us a nice lunch of pub food and then we went to a nearby USFS campground by Lake Robinson.  The sole criteria being that it was the closest one to the border with Canada.

Alcoholic-branded Moose

you could say, during lunch, the grouch population
was actually 2

Chris and Lori

I think the plan is to "dip our toes" in Canada tomorrow via sidecar riding by Martha and I.


RichardM said...

Wow! You convinced Martha to give the sidecar another chance, eh!

redlegsrides said...

It's much easier when it's the only choice, RichardM!

CCjon said...

Am happy to see Martha with you once again. You'll have to shave every day now.

What are the two big cranes(?) structures in photo #5?

redlegsrides said...

I don't know CCjon....there were a bunch of people in hard hats getting ready to unload some large pieces of heavy objects in a nearby parking lot, perhaps they put them into position?

Bridget said...

I love your campsite! Richard has been riding his Ural around. We are shopping for a trailer. Excited to take it to Texas!

redlegsrides said...

Glad to hear the Ural is fine Bridget!

redlegsrides said...

Hey CCjon, those structures above the dam are cranes to lift covers over the turbines for servicing.