Monday, March 31, 2008

Mileage Contest Results are here with the April ON Magazine

As a member of the BMWMOA or BMW Motorcycle Owners of America, I get a monthly magazine called BMW ON or Owner's News. The April 2008 edition was waiting for me when I got home.

I'd been eagerly awaiting this issue since it would list the results of the 2007 Mileage Contest. This is a yearly contest run by the BMWMOA, the riding period of is between 12 April through 12 October for 2008, it was something similar for 2007.

The top male rider accumulated 59,834 miles, with the top female rider accumulating 29,850 miles. Pretty amazing totals, wouldn't you say? My state, Colorado, finished fourth amongst all the states which had competitors, with an average mileage of 9604 miles and a total mileage of 758694 miles.

I am happy to report, that of the 79 "finishers" for Colorado, I was #11 with 15,181 miles accumulated during the contest period.

The above pin showed up a few days ago, and I remember thinking, what's the big deal with being a finisher? It just means I managed to submit both the entry form and the final results form on time. Still, I did much better than I thought I would! : )

Next contest starts April 12, I'll be getting my form signed by the dealership and we'll see if I can do better than 2007!


Conchscooter said...

I've put 8800mile son the bonneville since October which semes like a lot to me (obviously weather isn't an issue) but 15,000? I am not worthy of a BMW clearly.

redlegsrides said...

look at it this way conchscooter, being down there in the keys...less "elbow room" to rack up the miles?

I can't imagine going up and down the peninsula is very diverting...I spent my teenage years in Miami, so I know the terrain.