Friday, June 30, 2023

Working on To-Dos while Home

We're keeping somewhat busy getting stuff fixed, arranged, projects started on or worked on.

Uma, the VRRV is in the shop for brake rotors/pads all around, a new serpentine belt and tensioner for the engine, new shock absorbers all around and replacement anti-sway bars in the rear.  There's some more stuff but those are the major ones.  Apparently, the rear brake pads were "metal to metal".  I really need to learn to check brake pad wear on dually wheels.  I hope to get her back next Friday.  Yes, it's going to be expensive but works out to about $800/year since 2016 when we bought her.  Also, working brakes are kind of key....

Martha and I spent a few days pulling at weeds in the backyard.  Made good progress and we'll see how things go in terms of preventing the weeds returning.

We'll be having the two big Cottonwood trees trimmed so that they pass more air through their branches.  This expense won't happen till just past mid-July as the work can't be done before then due to prior commitments on the part of the tree trimmer compay.

This to hopefully prevent the sometimes very strong wings from causing major damage.  Our worry had been that the trees would be toppled over in a wind storm, but the tree guy said they look strong and healthy.  

I laid out a circle of bricks around the patch of grass that has never grown in well, we're thinking of setting up a portable gazebo within the circle to cover up the patch.


Digital Mockup of Gazebo Idea

We also outfitted the second set of wheels for the Honda CR-V with new all season tires and had them installed on the CR-V.  The wheels with the snow tires went into storage under the deck for eventual use this coming October.  Yep, more money.  

We'd been paying to have summer and winter tires swapped out on same set of wheels but now have the option of me changing them out as required.

Bought and installed replacement trailer tongue jack for the Aluma trailer.  It is definitely easier to maneuver the trailer with it on than without it!  I'm pretty sure this last camping trip was this trailer's last outing for such purposes.

Now that I have Scarlett operational again, I'm thinking of selling both her and Brigitta, my '87 R80 BMW Airhead.  In the case of Brigitta, I'm just not riding her enough to keep her healthy.  Yesterday, was the first time I'd ridden her in over six months!  As to Scarlett, I'm pretty sure she's taken her last camping trip and will also suffer Brigitta's fate in that she won't get ridden enough either.

One of the reasons selling has been entertained, is to raise money to buy a small/reliable spare car.  Allowing us the option of taking it vs the Honda CR-V on camping trips where Martha comes along.  We'll see how this notion plays out.

During recent torrential rains, Martha had reported possible issues with the Sump Pump's activation switch.  Luckily, she and Patrick had monitored the water level and had run the pump manually as needed.  It turned out to be that the pump's float had come loose from wherever it'd been mounted.  So it would just float horizontally with the rising water instead of its buoyancy eventually forcing one end up and closing the circuit to run the pump automatically!  Easy fix.


CCjon said...

Is there a 2023 Ural in your future?

redlegsrides said...

CCjon, definitely no.

RichardM said...

We have some cottonwood trees that need to come out. Fortunately, we don’t get high winds so they probably won’t be falling over. The tree contractor was not very communicative. He didn’t show up multiple times without calling to let me know. I told him to forget it and now there really isn’t enough time to try and get hold of another.

Reliable car. Isn’t that an oxymoron?

redlegsrides said...

Yeah, RichardM, I guess it is an oxymoron....

SonjaM said...

Is there anything reliable in a car or any vehicle really? I even had my bicycle break down recently (although it didn't cost me much to have it fixed). Cheers, SonjaM

redlegsrides said...

Indeed SonjaM, all that is wrought by Man will break eventually.