I first tried the leafy neighborhood streets in the area around 17th and Monaco but traffic was heavy, too many political signs that I'd have to photoshop out and the light and leaves coloring wasn't quite right yet.
So I headed on south towards the DTC or Denver Tech Center and Westland Park where my loving wife had mentioned there was a cool shot as one enters the park through a large metal arch.
On the way to the park, I stopped by the data center where I sometimes while away my work hours and took the following shots next to some trees that border the complex.

Leaving the vicinity of work, I chanced upon this canopy-shaped tree in full color:

A few minutes later, I was at Westland Park's entrance. I positioned Brigitta as close to the arch as I could and got this nice shot of the Rockies framed by the arch.

As I am only in day 4 of a 7 day "take things easy" recovery period after a surgical procedure on the 15th, I chose to return home for lunch and not wander as far as I normally would.
Hope you liked the pictures. The temperatures were in the mid to high 70s be the time I got to Westland Park, I had to remove my windshirt and just ride with a t-shirt under my riding jacket! Gorgeous Colorado day.
Lovin the fall foilage. Rest up and take it easy. Thanks for the pics!
There's no other time of year like this, is there? Budding sprigs in Spring just don't match the color changes of Fall.
A great time to ride and take photos. The scenic view was awesome. It must be wonderful to live in such a beautiful environment.
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