Thursday, December 07, 2006

Cherry Creek State Park

The kids woke us up an hour earlier than usual this morning in order to get some more playing time on the video game my wife rented for them last night. Ye shall reap what ye sow!

So, as long as I was up, decided to get on the road earlier than normal and catch the sunrise at Cherry Creek State Park and Reservoir. I had cruised through it yesterday, sans camera, and I had spotted a nice picture point.

Got there way before sunrise, so tried to stay warm while waiting for the sun to rise and give me some light to shoot by. I did not want to use the flash, trying to capture the early light and it's effects.

Maria and the Moon

Cherry Creek Dam

The temps were in the low low 20s and it was pretty humid which added to the cold factor. Still it was an enjoyable ride through the park which meanders around the southern end of the Cherry Creek Reservoir and dumps me in the Denver Tech Center near where I work.

I use the road on top of the dam to get across the reservoir normally, and while its nice up there, its nicer to take it slow (35mph speed limit max) on the park roads to get past the reservoir and onto my side of town.

I even saw three deer munching on grass by the side of the road. I managed to spot them far enough to slow way down and make sure we all knew where the other one was going to go or not go. They all seemed used to the vehicle traffic that goes through the park daily so no big deal. Still, you never can tell, and the deer blend in with the background very nicely so you have to look carefully as you ride along.

After work today, I rode to Golden along the E-470 superslab for some work, then rode it back to C-470 and on home. Got from past the NW end of the Denver Metro Area to the SE side of it in about 45 minutes. Traffic was medium heavy but kept moving, Maria did beautifully and the electric vest kept me warm as the temps dropped steadily as the sun set and it got darker and darker.

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