Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Switching to Harley Davidson

OK, I can't take not being part of the "cool" crowd anymore when it comes to motorcycles!

Today I traded in both my Beemers for this cool looking cruiser from Harley Davidson!

As you can see, I got myself some biker leathers, some tattoos for the arms and I'll be putting all my former ATGATT protective gear up on Ebay for disposal.

No more riding hundreds of miles a day, I'll have all the time I need to polish up all the chrome on my hog.

Since there's no need for helmets now, got to blend in you know with the rest of the herd, I can work on my tan, as you can see my face needs a bit of sun. Too much time under a helmet!

My wife was quite shocked when I brought Bertha home, that's what I am calling my Hog but I think she'll get used to the idea.

So? What do you think?

Maybe I'll get one of those cool bandannas that make you look like a skull, that'll complete the look.

Sturgis, here I come! Soon as I find a trailer of course.

Oh, and one more thing....April Fool!


Electra Glide In Blue said...

You almost got me, I read your headline on my reader and thought WTF?, I was ready to ride down and welcome you to the wild world of Harley. I got a good laugh out of it.
Ride safe.

redlegsrides said...

thanks Electra Glide....hopefully my friends locally who ride Harleys have the good sense of humor you do.

Martha said...

Aw bummer I was looking forward to being a Harley Honey!

I even had my chaps on order...

Oh well...

Jack Riepe said...

Dear Charlie6 (Dom):

I have it on good authority that a crowd of Harley Riders are coming to visit you today for a friendly game of kick the butt. Why? 'Cos I signed on as you and told them a few things. Wasn't that a funny April Fool's joke to play on them?

Have a great day!

Fondest regards,
Twisted Roads

Jack Riepe said...

Dear Charlie6 (Dom):

I have it on good authority that a crowd of Harley Riders are coming to visit you today for a friendly game of kick the butt. Why? 'Cos I signed on as you and told them a few things. Wasn't that a funny April Fool's joke to play on them?

Have a great day!

Fondest regards,
Twisted Roads

Unknown said...

We were almost April fools.

bobskoot: wet coast scootin

redlegsrides said...

Martha....chaps eh? hmmmmm

redlegsrides said...

Thanks Jack, I can always count on you....I'll send the word to my two friends who ride Harleys so they can pile on as well....

irondad said...

It was nice knowing you. You bought a Harley and I bought a powder blue Prius!