The weather was beautiful, warm in the high 60s and the sun was out in force with just a few thin clouds barely moving in the soft breezes.
I had no particular destination in mind so I started wandering northwards. The following building and the way the sun was catching its geometrically designed architecture caught my eye and I stopped:

The next building reminded me of the oncoming bow of a ship, knifing its way through the pavement of the DTC:

The next picture is not a building per se, but it was a nice juxtaposition of shapes and angles which I found pleasing to the eye, I hope you enjoy it as well. It's the pedestrian crossover spanning the I-25 Superslab so you can get to the Light Rail Station on Orchard Road.

Finally, the building in which the realtor who sold me my current home works out of. First time I saw the building I was struck by it's geometrically flowing shapes. I finally got around to taking a picture of it for your viewing.

Home by 3:30PM, less than 21 miles of joyriding along with the regular commuting miles on Brigitta, my 1987 R80 Airhead. I probably should have ridden more but I felt tired still from yesterday's work.....I think I'll take a nap before dinner.
Dear Charlie6 (Dom):
I meant to post something to your bvlog yesterday, but I have been on the road for a week and the internet in this damn hotel was just inexcusable -- especially as they charged $12.99 a day for it.
In additinto the shapes of these buildings, the color of the brick and other materials says a lot too. In some cases, they suggest formations of stone, left angular by the elements. But in the cyclindrical and half cyclindrical ones, it appears they are softened the blow of commerce.
Nice pictures. I hope to start posting some of my own next week.
Fondest regards,
Jack Riepe
One note about the bridge over the highway at Orchard is that it isnt fully enclosed in glass. To lessen wind shake, they left bottom inch open. This makes for a VERY noisy walk across on a Sunday when a bunch of Harley riders go underneath.
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