Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A Quick Ride after Work

Today's forecast was for snow, starting to fall on the Denver Metro area by late morning with 1-6 inches of accumulation. I type this at 6PM and there's just now starting to snow, very little accumulation so far but that should change as the evening turns to night and the temperatures plummet.

So, with the above forecast in mind, I wussed out and took the 560SL cage to Denver International Airport where I was to spend the day in meetings and walk-throughs for a project.

Around 4pm, I was done with the work, it was snowing lightly at DIA but not sticking to the pavement yet. I was congratulating myself for having taken the cage as it would have been an "interesting" ride home in that stuff. Mind you, it was doable, just nerve-wracking.

Wouldn't you know though, a few miles outside the airport, the roads were dry and just an occasional snowflake was seen as I drove home! You know where this is going right?

I got home at around 430PM, dashed in to let my loving wife know I was going to get a quick ride in. She looked out the window and said: "you better hurry or you're going to be mad at yourself". What a great wife eh?

Got geared up, took Maria out as the temperatures were in the low to mid 30s with heavily overcast skies. I headed towards Picadilly and Hampden where the Plains Conservation Center is located. Here I posed Maria just inside the facility's main gate:

The skies were ominous looking eh?

I rode out heading east on Hampden Rd, the winds were blowing pretty strongly by now from the North but I had enough time to take this shot of the front range:

Looking west towards the Front Range Mountains

As you can see, the inbound snowstorm completely obscured one's view of the mountains visible from Denver.

I turned south on Gun Club Road which I took back to Quincy Road and my home neighborhoods. As long as I was out, I went to fill up Maria's gas tank so I can add some fuel injector cleaner to her. Got home, still no real snow and still on dry pavement.


Jack Riepe said...

Dear Charlie6 (Dom):

The temperature is 61º. The sun is out andf the daffodills are blooming. Aside from the blue jay that beat the hell out of the squirrel on the bare lawn, nature is at peace with itself. I leave on a business trip first thing in the morning. I will be gone until Tuesday evening.

It will still take another week to get my bike in order. I will be riding in the third week of April.

How you can enjoy a daily ride in that gray, cold environment beats the hell out of me.

Fondest regards,
Twisted Roads

redlegsrides said...


yeah, its an addiction.....

LumpyCam said...

It was snowing when i geared to to ride to work yesterday. Sigh. But we have to take the days we can or get none at all.

Still, the sunny days will be welcome.