Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Short stay near Pagosa Springs

 After about 4 hours on the road, including time exploring Fawn Gulch Rd for campsites, I found a spot close to Forest Road 722. 

I did not realize that the offshoot trail from 722 was a closed road and I also parked the VRRV over 300 ft from Forest road 722.  

I found all this out when a ranger came by and said that I was on a closed road and that I had to move closer to 722 to be within the rules.  Otherwise, it's a $280 ticket for being off-road but he let me slide.

I said I didn't see a sign closing the road and he said they're not mandated to do that, apparently a lot of vandalism happens to the signs. I think I better start collecting MVUM maps more conscientiously.  I had always assumed closed roads would be marked.

Anyways, I moved closer to 722 and all was good.  The ranger had originally stopped by to advise that they would be doing prescribed burns close by, probably starting on Sunday. 

So instead of spending a week here I will be moving on tomorrow and see what I can find.


Oz said...

Glad he didn't give you a ticket.

redlegsrides said...

Me too, Oz

Martha said...

Glad the ranger saw the situation as a teachable moment instead of a revenue generating opportunity!

CCjon said...

Looks like a nice spot too. But if they are doing a prescribed burn nearby, I would move on too. Waking up to a smoky haze inside the RV would be panic time...

CCjon said...

That is as nice photo though. Gives a good feeling of the great camping spots you always seem to find.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks for the comments, CCjon.... I didn't want to displace during the weekend as the availability of campsites goes down remarkably during that time.