Thursday, September 26, 2024

More Fall Colors and We're Joined by the Z's!

 Martha and I spent the morning driving the CR-V about the Silverton area, as far north along US550 as Ironton Park:

We returned to camp for lunch and preparing to meet up with Lori and Chris Z. Of BlazeOurWay.

By mid-afternoon or so, we could hear them approaching the campsite, and so this video of their Overlander Rig: Stewie

Thursday, September 26

Just general relaxation at the campsite by the four of us in the morning.  After lunch, a drive in the CR-V by Martha, Chris and I while Lori rested in camp.

The main stop was to visit the Honeyville Store where Honey Flavored Whiskey was secured by Chris.  While they perused the honey-oriented offerings, I checked out the bee's nest they had inside the store between two pieces of glass:

We did a little bit of leaf-peeping while driving back to camp along US 550:

As you can see, we're almost at peak along the San Juan Skyway....and the traffic on the road and the cagers clogging the pullouts attested to the popularity.

Photos by Martha:


CCjon said...

Beautul colores this year. Thanks for sharing.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks CCjon, you're quite welcome

Kofla Olivieri said...

I am looking forward to this year fall foliage in my area!

Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! Now those are some vibrant colors.

redlegsrides said...

Anonymous, thank youm