Sunday, September 15, 2024

Riding Recce for Camping Spots

 A beautifully warm day yesterday.

I rode Yagi, my TW200, through Silverton, CO and onto CR 2 which takes one out of town and into the BLM areas to the east of it.  The idea was to scout out possible camping spots for future use when in the area.

There's a road called the River Road accessible from CR21 that is nice to ride on with rushing water and rock formations to entertain.  There was even a spot where I saw people in the water and sunning themselves in the sun.

Here's some Fall Colors I saw while meandering on CR2, dodging the herds of OHVAs, as they sped by raising large clouds of dust.

I ended up going a few miles up the very rocky and bumpy Alpine Loop.  Found some campsites but alas, getting to them would not be in the best interests of Uma, my VRRV.

Heading back towards Silverton, here's a view of the mountains which presage one's approach to the town.  There's a campground here in what used to be the mining town of Eureka.

Looking back towards the Alpine Loop

At the campground, which has free wifi btw, there's a historical sign marker.  It tells about the gold mine which spawned the town of Eureka.  I liked the historical picture of the mine when it was in operation:

Here's what remains of the structures you see in the above picture.  It's hard to imagine all the houses and buildings that are shown above, now all gone.

Found some sites, a couple of which were quite promising to future camping plans.  Not much in terms of Fall Coloration however, at least in terms of capturable pictures anyways.

It's going to be a cooler 2-3 days ahead as I type this.  It think it'll accelerate the turning of more Aspen, more to follow.  Today is a day of hanging about the campsite and staying warm.

On a sidenote, my Garmin Inreach Satellite Beacon has ceased working.  I think it's the battery so I've ordered a replacement from Ebay.  If not the battery and if I decide I still need it, it'll be $130 for a exchange with Garmin for a working refurb unit.


CCjon said...

Like you, I enjoy reading the local historical signs with pictures. How many years ago was Eureka's heyday? Makes you wonder which places and businesses we utilize today, what will be there a hundred years from now?

Keep the aspen color photos coming.

redlegsrides said...

CCjon, I added a picture of the historic info sign. T'was 151 years ago when gold was discovered which led to the town's creation. The town's end came with the railroad's demise in 1938.

Oz said...

The aspens are looking good! Thar is an interesting old mining town.

redlegsrides said...

They're getting there, Oz, they're getting there...