Saturday, July 31, 2021

Westward, Ho! Day 2: Old Bust Head's for lunch....and some more relaxing

 Friday, July 30

Lee and Lyn drove me to the Old Bust Head Brewery in Warrenton to check out their offerings and to pick up beer for Saturday's gathering.  

The brewery is located on the site previously occupied by Fort Vint Hill, its now home to not only the brewery but also a tech center for Rappahannock County.  Nice "pub" area and I sampled four of their beers along with lunch from a food truck.

The rest of the day was spent relaxing at the Eclectic Manor and watching movies and the Olympics.

Some pics of the last couple of days:

Lyn made this really nice quilt.....

Indy, Lee's handsome East German Shepherd has
accepted me as part of his pack


CCjon said...

That is a beautiful quilt Lyn made.

Why East German and not West German dog?

redlegsrides said...

I'll pass your comment along CCjon.

The breeder specialized in providing dogs for the East German military/police. Back in the day, Lee likes to say, his dog's ancestors were used to detect and attack him during his early Army days Lee was S.F. you see and his Group's missions were in Eastern Europe!