Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Eastward, Whoa! Day 52 and 53: Last day with Jane and Larry and moving Westward.

 Tuesday, July 27

We spent our last day (this trip) with Jane and Larry; hiding from the heat and humidity in their home.  We watched the Summer Olympics, enjoyed another sumptuous dinner and planned future trips.

There was one short trip to an ice cream shop:

And Boomer, their lovable Lab, showed us how he alerts Jane to upcoming dinner time for him:

For the record, he was only off by less than 5 minutes.

Wednesday, July 28 and I turn westward towards home....

I drove the VRRV with the Sammy in tow and headed towards Orleans, VA to visit college friends from my ROTC days.  

Martha, meanwhile, was kindly delivered to the airport in Richmond by Jane and Larry, our consummate hosts and friends.

Dang Google maps routed me via the back way route to Lee and Lyn's place so there was several miles of graveled one lane roads to negotiate but I got there just fine 

Lee proudly flies the flag of the Conch Republic

Lyn and Indy, Lee's East German Shepperd

I had some difficulty dealing with Indy at first, in spite of Lyn's efforts to convince him that I was a friend.  So while I waited for Lee to return from work, I went for a ride to explore the area.  No pic opportunities seen but we'll see later on.

Soon after I returned, Lee got home and formally told Indy that I was OK.  It was remarkable the change that came over Indy!  I was now an accepted member of the pack, and no more barking at me!  Everyone was now happy.

I was feed a nice dinner by Lyn and we spent the evening catching up and watching the Olympics.  

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