Update on my Suzuki Samurai: Mariko. The mechanic in Page, AZ found the problem. The ECM or Electronics Control Module (I didn't even realize it had one!) had fried and taken out the fusible link along with it.
It took the mechanic, Mike, who is the owner of Sunwest Marine, Auto and RV, a long time to trace down the mystery current draw in the Samurai's electronics; but as soon as he disconnected the ECM, the mystery current draw was gone! I don't think I would have ever found the damn thing, not even knowing it was there.
However, the Samurai's ECM is no longer made by Hitachi and Mike was unable to locate a used one nearby , his online parts guy only finding one in New York state. I told him never mind, hook everything up he'd disconnected while troubleshooting, and that I'd pick up the Samurai today.
Yesterday, I rode Yagi, my TW200 motorcycle over to the Page Shores Amphitheater to check out it's rock formations. You see, the amphitheater itself uses natural rock formations to form the stage.