Tuesday, Sep 15
A pretty good day for riding and pictures of colorful rock formations, ending on a sour note.
After doing the usual "police call" around the campsite and nearby areas....I headed out on Fiona towards the small town of Manila both to get groceries and information about Flaming Gorge's famed rock formations.
Shortly after crossing the state border into Utah, I got the info I needed from the USFS office located in Manila, at the junction of UT 43 and UT 44. It's US44 that one takes to get to the scenic stuff.
Things rapidly got scenic once I left town:
Love those reds...
This was my favorite rock formation, the patterns and swirls...
it must have been quite the sight when it first formed
Tower Rock
As you near the end of the loop, you go past Sheep Creek Ranch and then near the junction back with US 44 you go past the Apache Cliffs picnic area. Here's the rock formation at the beginning of the loop:
I rode on back to the town of Manila, gassed Fiona up and then went to the combination grocery/hardware/hunting/fishing store next door for supplies. I rode on home under sunny skies and cool winds which ameliorated the heat from the sun.
As I unloaded the groceries, he tried to engage me in conversation, I just glared at him, ignored him and kept going into my URRV, perhaps he'll eventually learn about not encroaching on people in a dispersed camping situation; in the meantime I don't plan on being the welcome committee.
Come on, Dom stop it already. These scenery is all photo-shopped, it's all fake. Too amazing to be real.
SonjaM, I know you’re just kidding...when you and Roland are back in the US West, I’ll gladly show you in person. :)
Sheep Creek Canyon is now a must see. Nice loop you made.
Too bad about "that guy" You would think they would understand that one goes far out of the way to get away from others. Out of hundreds of vacant campsites to pick from, he parks on top of you.
Tell him there reason you are out there far from others is you are trying not to contaminate others with the virus you have. Called leave me alone fever.
Good idea re the a-hole CCjon though he was all setup by the time I returned and I was too angry to speak. Oh well, I’m rid of him now....I can only hope he some day gets a clue re boondocking etiquette.
That looks like a beautiful place. I am sorry you had to move to a new spot because someone was a afraid to be alone.
Thanks Oz, either afraid or just a plain Scheisse Kopf!
I think you should be grateful for the appearance of the encroacher Dom. He's afforded you an opportunity to practice your German which has no doubt gotten rusty.
Thanks for your comment Steve Williams, you do have a point! Surely though, I could come up with less anger-inducing ways to practice my German than experiencing this arschloch's presence. :)
Es mag bessere Wege gegeben haben, aber es ist zweifelhaft, ob Sie sie aufgegriffen hätten.
The other actions I considered would have probably caused legal issues Steve Williams....
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