Based on the excerpts in the website hawking the book, the roads were quite primitive back then across the US and more an adventure than today's modern super slabs.
LINK to website.
From the website:
Phil didn't have a lot of time for writing, riding his Indian 9,427 miles in just about 60 days. But he did manage to make an entry just about every day he was on the road. It's not a story, and there's no soul searching hoo-hah in the pages he wrote at the end of long days on his motorcycle. He was twenty, and out for a ride all the way across the country.
The journal entries on the website are short, sweet and to the point as alluded to above. I was very interested in the entries for when he was transiting Colorado, my home state, to read his descriptions of familiar locations and how they looked 84 years ago!
Here's some pics from the website:

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