Thursday, January 16, 2025

Day Trip to Chiricahua National Monument and Now Boondocking by Dragoon Mountains

Yesterday, January 15 

We drove down in Lori and Chris Z's Jeep Gladiator to the Chiricahua National Monument by way of Apache Pass Road.

I'd visited this monument before on my own back in 2021: LINK

It was chilly and windy with snow in the shady parts of the monument's tour route.  Very tough to get good shots of the "standing rocks" as the Apache called them as the road is very close to some of them and there's lots of trees in the way.

Organ Pipe Rock Formation

From the Sugarloaf Overlook 

I took more pictures on the previous trip if you wish to see more via the link above.

We stayed basically on pavement on the way back after ascertaining the boondocking spots listed by iOverlander were not "usable".

Today, January 16

A warmer day with some wind but quite nice.

We displaced from the Indian Bread BLM Rec Area and headed west towards Benson, AZ to do chores and pickup Amazon stuff from a locker there along with laundry day.

Chores done, we headed south on AZ 80 towards Tombstone and are now boondocking in the Dragoon Mountains area of the Coronado National Forest.  Its one of my usual stopping stops in the snow bird tour.  This time we snagged one of the larger spots not too far from the entrance.

Lori and Chris Z. joined us in the afternoon after doing their own chores along the way.

Mid-Afternoon lighting

Golden hour lighting

Tombstone and its reenactment of the Shootout at the O.K. Corral is on the schedule, perhaps tomorrow.

Here's a couple of sunset pics courtesy of Chris Z:


Oz said...

I have only driven through a small part of Arizona but watching your various trips to southern Arizona makes me want to visit those remote areas. The rock formations are interesting.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks Oz, I need to branch out more instead of returning to old sites though.

RichardM said...

I hear that it’s cold-ish at night around there…

redlegsrides said...

Not too bad RichardM, in the mid to low 30s

SonjaM said...

Love Pic no. 3 but the last one is magical, Dom.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks, SonjaM. I'll tell Chris Z.