Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Last Day at Hot Well Dunes and First Day at Indian Bread BLM Rec Area

We were joined by Chris and Lori Z. of BlazeOurWay fame the last 3 days that we were camped at the Hot Well Dunes.  It was good to meet up with these two again since Fall of last year.

The weather, which was chilly, precluded much riding.  Just as well since we didn't have the requisite orange flags one is supposed to fly in the dunes area.  The BLM rangers even came by to give us this information.

Javelina Peak 

Stewie and Umarang

Our camp host representative:

On Monday, January 13, we displaced to the Indian Bread BLM Rec Area, doing chores in nearby Willcox, AZ along the way.  (Dumping of tanks, filling up of water tanks, replenishing propane).

We went through two regular weeks of propane usage in one due to cold conditions at night which saw temperatures in the low 20s!  The feed tube from the fresh water tank froze as usual, but Chris Z. had some pipe insulation and experience with such matters.  Once I located the right tube (all these years, I had the wrong one in my mind), the insulation remedied the frozen tube condition!  

Lori Z. picked out the sites at Indian Bread BLM, good sites for our two rigs next to some nice rock piles.

Shot from above Stewie's Cab

Just before dinner, we had some nice views of the moon as it rose for the night:

Next to us, a different rock pile presented interesting silhouettes.  Can you see the bear sitting on its haunches?

Tuesday, January 14.

In the morning, I decided to climb up the rock piles to the front and side of the campsite.

After very carefully descending from this rockpile, I went up the one to the side of the campsite.

Standing near the Bear Profile rock.

Lori Z. was kind enough to take pictures of me at the top of the rock pile:

photo courtesy Lori Z.

photo courtesy Lori Z.

More to follow, a tour of nearby Fort Bowie is planned for tomorrow I think.


Oz said...

Great time to take photos of the moon as it was the "Wolf Moon." Hope the temps rise so you don't run through the propane so quickly.

redlegsrides said...

Oz, Wolf Moon eh?

Oz said...

It’s thought that January’s full Moon came to be known as the Wolf Moon because wolves were more likely to be heard howling at this time. It was traditionally believed that wolves howled due to hunger during winter, but we know today that isn’t accurate. - Almanac.com

RichardM said...

It’s easy to run through propane with these cold nights. Fortunately, while we are in Hondo, I have the RV connected into the 250 gallon (200 usable) tank.

RichardM said...

Measured the tank and it’s 150 gallons. Still enough for the winter…

redlegsrides said...

Added pic of Javelina camp host representative

redlegsrides said...

The tank on board our motor home is 60lbs.

SonjaM said...

Impressive moon pic, Dom and a beautifully strange scenery.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks, SonjaM, I didn't come close to reality of course.