Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Lazy Days Boondocking by County Road 305

Sunday, July 28

Lazy day, but did do a quick ride to The Castles to get them all in a pic:

closeup of the far castle

No more moose sightings to report.

Monday, July 29

Lazy morning mostly. A short recce walk around the camping area vicinity to see if the moose was still around and confirmed the moose is gone.

I did find a water hole which probably induced the moose to hang about before perhaps.

Then I spotted this:

Pretty sure it's not an old abandoned mine entrance, there's a wheel barrow and a plastic bucket just past the metal plate barrier.  Still, it seems to have been collapsed shut just a couple of feet further on, so not sure what the purpose was for this excavation.

I also had to repair the post that anchors the spring that pulls the kick stand up on the TW200.  The head broke off while I lifted it to oil the chain, which is better than it breaking while riding!

I ended up grinding off the stub, drilling a pilot hole and for now, using a self-tapping screw to hold the spring.  I'll get a harder screw later, or something similar, perhaps a shoulder bolt.

In the afternoon, a ride on Yagi to do a recce of CR376A. It would prove to be not for the VRRV with some technical spots causing me to ride slowly.

99% of the weekend campers were gone! I spotted only two occupied sites, one remaining f on the weekend. I'm thinking they left via CR 315 perhaps, as it's very doable with just 2WD and decent clearance. Though there is a smalls trench of sharp looking rocks just short of US285.

A view of the campsite, with the porch shades in place:

Tuesday, July 30

Nothing but relaxing at the campsite today, listening to audio books and enjoying the temperate weather while Metro Denver bakes under a heat advisory.

Tonight's sunset, for which I was late:


RichardM said...

Nice spot! And the late sunset photo is cool! I just noticed the flurry of text messages about the broken spring mount.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks RichardM, its nice and quiet this spot....some traffic but not bad during the weekdays. Re the broken spring mount, I think I have a couple of options.

SonjaM said...

Dom, this looks like 'cowboy land' to me. Beautiful area. And the last pic is wonderful, I'd say header worthy! Cheers from the other side, SonjaM

redlegsrides said...

Danke SonjaM! It's a nice area to be sure.