Saturday, July 27, 2024

A Small Displacement results in Better Campsite and Moose Sightings!

After Martha left for home this morning, I rode out on Yagi, my TW200 to check out nearby roads for scenery and to map possible future campsites.

I ended up motoring up CR 307 till it met with US Hwy 285, along the way, you pass three rock formations known locally as "The Castles".  Two of them were just shaded outlines due to sun position but the third looked pretty good:

CR 305 led to CR 376 which led to an area replete with dispersed camping sites and a nice view of Mount Princeton.  (I think)

However, there were too many camping rigs in the area above and I returned to map three sites along CR 305 that looked pretty good.  In fact, I returned to the campsite on CR308 where we'd been staying and displaced!

Note: It's best to use the eastern exit for CR307, the western exit can be hazardous due to traffic.

I ended up at the site closest to US Hwy 285, yet far enough away that I couldn't hear any traffic noise, I think it's at least a mile from the highway.

Around 5 PM or so, I'd gone back onto the rocky outcropping overlooking the campsite to get more pics.  As I arrived up there, I spotted a bull moose back at the camp!
Do you see the moose?

He's right in front of Yagi, across the 
road in the shade.

The moose had been drinking from the puddle on the road.  Before I could switch lenses, a car came along and scared it into the bushes!  Dammit.

I walked down towards the bushes but saw nothing, the foliage was too thick.  So I walked up to the rock outcropping again to finish taking pictures of the camp; damn me if I didn't spot the moose again!

After watching him eat for a few minutes, he wandered off out of sight.  I returned to the VRRV and prepped dinner.  Soon it was time to go check out a possible sunset shot location.  As I motored away from the campsite, I looked to my left a few feet from camp and saw the moose again!

He spotted me go by on the motorcycle though, so when I stopped past him and dismounted to walk back with camera he saw me.  He left but not before I got this shot:

Figuring I'd had as much luck as I could, I motored onto the candidate sunset shot location.  The spot, on CR 376, proved not good due to sun positioning being further north than envisioned.

Oh well.  I turned Yagi around and headed back to camp.  As I neared camp, I slowed, intending to stop short of camp where I'd see the moose when leaving.  Instead, I saw him, seemingly waiting for me!

He just stood there as I quickly stopped the engine and grabbed the camera.  He remained there which allowed me to switch to the telephoto lens and take closer pictures:

This shot was scaled up by Lightroom

Finally, he grew tired of me once more and wandered off.  See the video below for footage of him eating and later, leaving.


CCjon said...

Today is your lucky day to capture the moose shots.

redlegsrides said...

It was indeed, CCjon.