Saturday, September 16, 2023

Day 2 at the San Luis Lakes State Wildlife Area (SWA)

No Rain today!  Instead it was sunny and warm, the sun was so hot that it made 55 degrees feel much warmer!

I woke to temperatures in the low 40s but as I mentioned, once the sun was out in force, it was quite nice.  The Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range peaks were wreathed in low hanging clouds:

Later on, after breakfast, the skies cleared and would remain mostly clear for the rest of the day.  Here's the same peaks I took pictures of earlier in the morning, but now bathed in direct sunlight:

I rode out with Yagi, my TW200, to explore Mt Blanca Road.  I went into my reserve gasoline tankage on the way there....whoops.  Just as well, I didn't get very far up this road due to the rough riding conditions.  Note: there's dispersed camping along this road.

I really don't like riding on such rocks....

Blanca Peak

Pictures of my campsite under bright sunshine:

Not many clouds led to a pretty bland sunset today, but I shot some pics of the nearby peaks of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains during the golden hour:


SonjaM said...

Spectacular mountain views, Dom. And no people around. Lovely! I like it! Cheers, SonjaM

redlegsrides said...

Danke SonjaM, much appreciated.