Saturday, September 11, 2021

9/11 - It was twenty years ago....

Just a couple of thoughts on this defining moment in the American Psyche:

Twenty years, so much time, blood and treasure gone, in the blink of an eye.  Yep, trite and cliché, and yet.....

It seems to me, that we've not much to show for it as a nation.  

I'll fly the Colors today, in remembrance of the cowardly attack; but also in remembrance of how the country stood united shortly afterwards.  

Though, lately, I've thought it'd be more accurate to call ourselves the Disunited States of America. 

Never Forgive

I've no solutions.  I hope it doesn't take another such event to unite us again.  


Spat said...

Our flag is flying as well. God bless this country and prayers to heal it’s division. Thank you Dom for your comments and thank you for the time you gave to support and protect the United States of America.

SonjaM said...

I still remember that day when I froze in front of the TV while watching live reporting from ground zero.

Just one month later me and my BFFs travelled the US, we came over on an almost empty plane, and oh my, we met the nicest people. Not full of hatred but full of hope and friendliness. We flew your flag in our rental car out of solidarity with the American people.

I pray and hope that you guys will find back to common grounds without another terrible event.

redlegsrides said...

I hope your prayers come true SonjaM, .
I'm pretty much out of hope for that.