Sunday, August 18, 2024

Home from the Pawnee National Grasslands

Returned home yesterday under very hot sunny conditions, even with temperatures reported below 80s, it felt quite warm.

Some of the last pics of the buttes:

Found another nice campsite, this one overlooking parts of the trail that lead one to the Pawnee Buttes:

Not much riding got done after the above ride.  Just staying out of the sun mostly as things warmed up on Friday.  Could be because its the start of the school season but there was only one camper out here besides me.  Later a couple of yahoos showed up in the late afternoon and apparently slept in their trucks.

Last view as I left on Saturday morning

I liked this area for the dispersion of the campsites.  Very quiet, no OHV traffic seen or heard.  The second site I stayed at was the best, but the last site I found shows promise if I ever go there again.


Oz said...

School starting definitely reduced traffic in parks my way so suspect it did for you also

CCjon said...

Sounds like you had a nice, slower pace, relaxing stay there. Your always great photos reflect a slower pace, less pressure.

redlegsrides said...

CCjon, just trying to enjoy the simpler things more.