Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Boondocking in the Pawnee National Grasslands

 Monday, August 12

After an appointment with the VA I decided to not wait till tomorrow to drive the VRRV with Yagi onboard to the Pawnee National Grasslands for some boondocking.

I should have waited.

I got to the area just in time for rain to start.  I found a spot, not the optimal one which was taken but good enough.  As I was setting up, the weather got worse and it turns out I'd shown up during the tail end of a Tornado Warning!

The blue dot is my campsite location

Luckily, it was just wind and rain for me.  I was fortunate the bad weather missed me to the south.

Tuesday, August 13

Better weather this morning, sunny and warm but not too hot.

The sunrise wasn't too bad:

A view of the campsite I ended up on:

I rode out on Yagi, my TW200, to check out the Pawnee Buttes in mid-morning light:

After a pretty good nap, the weather turned and I watched incoming thunderstorm clouds approach from the west:

Managed to get through the severe thunderstorm warnings with no issues or damage.  Once again, I was fortunate to skirt the really bad stuff.

During the "Golden Hour", after the skies had cleared once the thunderheads moved east, another ride with Yagi:

Tonight's sunset was pretty good:


CCjon said...

The contrast between the old style windmill, Yagi, and the wind turbines in the distance, very nice shot.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks CCjon, I just liked the composition, the contrast I missed completely!