Friday, May 31, 2024

Hanging Out at Camp and a Ride to the Lakes

Thursday, May 30

Pretty lazy day, spent mostly lounging and reading.

Campsite visitor

View from a nearby hill

Spooky shelter now surrounded by water.
This is near the campsite.

A view from a different hill, note the overcast skies

Found this dead hummingbird while doing
a police call (picking up litter)

I think the auto focus feature on my telephoto lens is wonky, all the long distance shots I've taken recently have come out blurry.  The chipmunk for instance.  

Update:  the lens assembly rattles, not a good sign.  

Friday, May 31

After breakfast, I replaced the original kitchen faucet (18 years old) with one I got from Amazon a while ago.  I'd been fighting sporadic small leaks if one didn't close the faucet handle with some force.

The task was easy, hardest part was snaking my arm under the counter holding the sink to get at the mounting fittings and water connections.

The rest of the morning was spent reading in the gazebo, it was a bit cool until perhaps 2PM or so.  Then the skies cleared somewhat and the sun warmed things up into the mid-60s!  

I rode out on Yagi, my TW200 to check out some of the lakes of the Red Feather Lakes area.

Dowdy Lake, above and below

Letitia Lake

Snake Lake

Parvin Lake

West and Twin Lake
(Martha and I had camped at the campground here before)

Starting to see more rigs and campers driving up and down the road, seeking a spot for the weekend I guess.  Luckily, I picked a small site so hopefully no one will show up asking to "share".

Another shot of the rear of the campsite, this time
under sunny conditions.

The original site I'd picked is now sporting three separate campsites all within shouting distance of each other.  Mine is "mo better".


Oz said...

So sorry to see the deceased hummingbird. The area looks great!

redlegsrides said...

Oz, I agree re the hummingbird, but it got a decent burial from me. :)

RichardM said...

A pretty area. Is this still in CO?

redlegsrides said...

RichardM, yep still in CO. It's a nice area, a lot of fishermen seen lakeside.