Friday, May 17, 2024

Back in Colorado

We got back home on Wednesday, May 15 after 8 hours on the road.  No issues during the drive, just boring and tiring.  I like keeping the mileage covered in one day to 300, but alas, we were close and both of us had, 478 miles it was.

Colorado welcomed us with the aftermath of a hail storm while we were transiting through Colorado Spring.  

Of course, it was bright and sunny just a few minutes later once we'd cleared the city limits on our way north to the overcrowded cesspool that is the Metro Denver area.

A few days to unload, clean and prep the VRRV for storage and then the tackling of home chores for a bit.  Martha tells me I've been camping 69% of the year so far.


RichardM said...

69% for the last 365 days or since Jan 1?

I'll be glad when the house is done…

redlegsrides said...

RichardM, since Jan1

CCjon said...

That hail storm looks cold...

the heat wave we are feeling now would make quick work of that.