Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Boondocking in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area's Government Wash

A somewhat short driving day today as we drove to be close to the Las Vegas, NV area.  Since we gained an hour once we were in Nevada, we were setting up camp by Noon.

There's several rigs here but the sites are pretty dispersed so far.  Not enough rig to make for crowded conditions yet.  We got ourselves a pretty good spot with views of the water on Lake Mead:

Close to sunset, which wasn't much of an event, I rode out on Yagi to check out the rest of the area.  

Not much to tell, more rigs to be found, but still good dispersal patterns.  The roads are rocky and rough so slow going for camping rigs and cars, easy stuff for Yagi.

About a 1/2 mile as the crow flies from our campsite, I was accosted by this dog which was running amuck.  He kept circling the motorcycle as I worked to get away from it, barking the whole time.  I finally left it behind and watched as it then decided to hound a couple who were walking their own dog.

The dog, any dog, is supposed to be on a leash but its owner obviously don't believe in "rules".  The owner finally ran up and grabbed the dog's harness and dragged it away to their "camping rig":

It took this incident for me to discover I'd left my Mace dispense in my other pants.  Just as well I guess, it would have been the dog which paid for its stupid owners' lack of control.

I stopped briefly to chat with the couple with the other dog and they too expressed their surprise and disapproval at the dog and his owner's lack of control.

Anyways, I left that area behind me, it wasn't at all scenic anyways.  Returning to my campsite, I got these shots in the golden hour's light:

We'll be here a couple of days or so before moving on.  It was very windy today and hot, with a high of 92 I think.  It's supposed to be a bit cooler tomorrow but we'll see.


CCjon said...

How is the lake water level this year?

redlegsrides said...

CCjon, it seems a little bit higher to me but not having observed it from this vantage point in years past I could be wrong.