Monday, July 10, 2023

Uma goes into Storage and Yagi gets her first post-top end replacement oil change

I know, it's a pretty exciting life I lead when I'm at home.

Martha and I spent part of the weekend sorting out stuff, cleaning, organizing the VRRV in preparation for storage and her next camping trip.

Stuff that wasn't needed or used got removed.  She's good to go now.

I took her to the Buckley Space Force Base RV Storage Yard and there she'll sit until the next time; which hopefully will be pretty soon.

I'd tested the storage yard's vehicle sensor before with Brigitta, my '87 R80 BMW Airhead, no problems detecting her and allowing me to ride out.  Today I found out the sensor doesn't seem to detect Yagi, my Yamaha TW200!  Luckily, there was a couple in a car leaving soon after I found this out and I tagged along.

Once home, and having overcome the Schwarzenegger-level tightness of the oil plug on Yagi, I drained her of the oil put in when she had her engine top end replaced in Henderson, NV.  

It had been almost 300 miles since the and I changed it today with no real surprises or issues.

After I put the tools away, I tore the paper element from the old oil filter to examine it for metal "swarf".  I expected to find some as the new parts on the top end worked themselves into place.  Kind of like a "break in" for the engine.

As expected, some swarf was in evidence but it was a small amount and nothing bigger than large dust sized particles:

I used a magnetic pickup tool to gather all the ferrous particles:

Not bad at all!  I've seen more swarf come out of the Ural's oil change, and that's with a "broken in" engine/transmission!


CCjon said...

Those T-Dubs seem to hold their value. Even older used ones are selling for $3500 around here.

redlegsrides said...

That's what I paid, CCjon, a few years ago!