Monday, July 17, 2023

Camping again!

It's only for a few days but I'll take it!

Today the company I contracted with to trim a couple of big Cottonwood trees in the backyard came by and did a nice job of removing enough leaves and branches to allow air to flow through easier.  Now I am less worried about the occasional wind storm taking out the trees and the trees taking out the roof of the house!

I left the Denver cesspool just before 4:00 p.m. and by 7:15 p.m. I was at a campsite in the South Rampart Range road area.  I have camped nearby last year in August.  

This time I managed to snag the primo spot with a view of Pikes Peak to the south.

Going to be here till at least Saturday if not Sunday. Nice to be out of the cesspool that is the Denver metro area.


RichardM said...

Nice site with a view! Did you tow the Honda to test things out?

redlegsrides said...

The testing with the Honda will probably be done next week once Martha is back home.