Thursday, October 01, 2020

Boondocking again in Penrose, CO

 Not even home a week and once again out boondocking!

Martha and I are planning on looking at some land for sale in the CaƱon City area again, somewhere along the CO Hwy 9 corridor north of US50 and west of the city.

This time, just land, no structures to be sought but utilities like power/well/septic tank being big discriminators.  After recent experiences on public land and seeing site squatters and crowding idiots, we are thinking once again its time to explore the concept of private land.

I'll be joined by Martha soon as she can leave the cesspool that is the Metro Denver area and then we'll drive over to check out three candidates.

The road into Penrose BLM areas has really gotten pretty bad!  Rockier than I remember anyways.

Got to the campsite by Noon and was soon set up in my preferred spot:

Temperatures were in the low 70s mostly with a cool breeze blowing at times.  It's supposed to be in the high 70s tomorrow.  Spent the afternoon just relaxing, doing several police calls (have almost filled the five gallon bucket once) and doing some light riding with Yagi to see how many campers there area in the area.

Not too many campers once you leave the area I'm set up at, in fact, none!  The rough roads could be part of the issue and the fact its a weekday as well.  We'll see how things fill up as the weekend arrives.

The light show after the sun went down wasn't too shabby:


RichardM said...

I’ve been told by some other rvers that the problems you mentioned seem to be much worse in CO than some neighboring states. They “blame” the lack of BLM or other places to boondock combined with the higher population density around Denver. But that was guessing…

redlegsrides said...

Don’t know re lack of BLM In the Stoner State, RichardM....I’ve not had that impression yet .....however population explosion is quite the factor for the Front Range, I now can understand the message in sci-fi books I’ve read about over population and it’s effect. The Western Slope isn’t bad yet....but am uncertain re that status remaining for long.

SonjaM said...

Funny you mention over population. Come over to Germany, my friend. The whole country of 83 Million people seems to be vacationing IN their motherland due to Covid. We can't go anywhere without self-quarantining after, hence imagine how crowded it gets... There are no free spot on campgrounds whatsoever. For us it hasn't been a great year for camping, but things could be worth. Say hi to Martha and enjoy a bit of quality time together.

redlegsrides said...

SonjaM, yep your situation is much worse so thanks for the perspective....I love Europe, if only the human infestation had an easy resolution. Here, the wide open west seems to be filling up.