The dawn, which I was once again up before, was not bad. Rather than replicate Friday's results though, I shot the sunrise though the right side window of the URRV:
The main chore this morning was the changing of the oil on the Onan 4KW generator. I'm doing it every 50 hours and I was actually late with this one, as the hour meter read 153 hours.
No major difficulties except for not having a 9/16" socket for the drain plug....rode into Penrose (9) miles away to get one from the hardware store. The new socket will become part of the onboard tools I carry for the RV I guess. Must also find the right Torx wrench for the drain plug hole cover plate.
Didn't make too much of a mess, in spite of the wind catching the last few streams of old oil as it fell into the drain pan.
More relaxing after a leisurely lunch. The sun had come out shortly before noon so it was quite enjoyable. Then I got the text I'd been waiting on. Just before 3:00 PM I heard from Garth L, a fellow Uralista who lives near Penrose.
We arranged to meet at the gate to Skyline drive in Cañon City at 4:00 PM so I geared up and got there a few minutes ahead of them. Just as well as the road was blocked by a police car. Seems some hiker had taken a fall or something and they were conducting rescue operations.
By around 4:20 PM, all was cleared and we were allowed up the road.
Garth with his wife Nancy
Garth then led the way through town, with a short stop at the NAPA store for me to get some oil for Fiona, then we went to the Coyote's Coffee Den on CO 115 in Penrose.
We chatted for a bit, had a drink and talked about times past and future plans. Garth is getting a hip replacement operation on Monday so he'll not be doing much riding for the next three months or so.
My thanks to Nancy and Garth for coming out to ride with me, here's hoping Monday's surgery goes without a hitch!
Nice photos, especially the sunrise through the windows. The window makes a nice frame.
Watching dawn through the windows of an RV... what a bliss, Dom.
Thanks RichardM, thought I’d change it up a bit
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