Saturday, February 24, 2007

Snow-covered in the morning, riding in the afternoon!

Temps in low to mid 30s and SUNNY.

Now this is the kind of snow storm I was used to seeing here in Colorado. We woke to about 3" of snow on the ground, the wet kind heavy with moisture. I spent the morning snow-throwing and shoveling to ensure cleared sidewalks out and good drainage because I expected the day to be warm and sunny enough to do some serious melting of this snow.

Sure enough, once the sun came out at mid-morning there was lots of snow melting to be had and water rushing in streams to the sewers. Good stuff, the neighborhood streets were basically dry by noon and I was on the road by almost 1400hrs.

The roads were mostly dry though there were spots in my ride where the roads were wet but not slick or icy. Though it was slightly windy and gusty at the beginning of the ride, by 1500 the winds from the North had picked up and it was blowing snow across the roads at times. Not good so I headed home after taking these pics at a nearby high school. Still, a good short ride, about 30 miles maybe.

Metal Moon Rising

The Metal Moon Revealed

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