Monday, May 06, 2019

Riding Brigitta to a Sunset

Yep, sunset pictures....again.

It was Brigitta's turn in the rotation for riding so it was her that posed for the pictures.

CCjon had suggested to me that instead of continuing sunset pics...don't post more till one comes along that beats the top ten sunsets I've shot before.

Of course, have I done that?  Compile a list of top ten?  Nope.  Sorry CCjon.

Instead, I inflict these upon you, my faithful audience.


Steve Williams said...

That first photograph looks like a still shot from a post apocalypse film with the sky a blaze of nuclear afterglow. Makes the BMW almost mythic. Now you just need to tell a tale to match!

redlegsrides said...

Thank you Steve.....hmmmmm, how's this:

The BMW R-Bike rider stared off to the west, past his still cooling motorcycle which sat framed in the fiery glow of the departing Ghost Rider's passage just moments before.

The ride with Ghost Rider had crossed many state borders, miles had come and gone in a blurred montage of vast landscapes, epic sights, great meals and epic story telling.

The rider's ears still rang with the throaty reverberations emitted by Ghostrider's new motorized steed of steel and fire.

"Who'd have thought it?" asked the rider to himself...."A Ural that could go cross-country at those speeds and not break down?"

Shaking his head, the rider stared into the departing fiery glow for the longest time.....and wondered.

CCjon said...

Well, first pix shown should be in your top ten... well done.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks CCjon.....

VStar Lady said...

These days, in this area Dom it's been the sunrises and not the sunsets that have been spectacular. I must remind myself to stop a take a photo one early morning.

redlegsrides said...

Sunrises are tough for me when home, easier when glamping

Trobairitz said...

Such dramatic clouds with the sunset. I like it!

redlegsrides said...

Thanks Trobairitz.