Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My First Published Motorcycling Article

Ok, first and ONLY published motorcycling magazine article. Unlike the prolific and entertaining articles written by Jack Riepe which he's gotten published in the BMW Motorcycle Owner's Association's Owner News magazine, I've submitted only one article for publishing. I really do have to get my butt in gear and generate more stuff if I want to be more than a one-article author.

Be that as it may, I'd mentioned before that I did get my first overnight motorcycle trip published in the JAN 2009 edition of the Owner News.

This past weekend I sent an email to the editor, Vince Winkel, asking for a pdf version of my article. He responded today with some kind words and the pdf itself!

For those of you unfortunate enough to not own a Beemer and also be a member of the BMWMOA, here's a link to the article: LINK

Note: Yes, I am counting on some readers being trapped by snow/ice conditions where they live and being so bored and eager for motorcycling content that they'll actually want to read the article.


Jack Riepe said...

Dom --

I had a long day at the keyboard today. I typed my comments for your blog, and went to take a shower. Slightly refreshed, a found a hundred typos in my note, and corrected it. Hence I deleted my first comment to give your published piece the justice it deserved.

Always remember your first published piece.


Dear Charlie6 (Dom):

I initially commented on this story the moment I read it in the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America "Owners News," sending my remarks to you via private email. Considering the fact that you have posted the PDF here, I'm assuming the piece is fair game once again.

Starting with the photography, each picture included in this article added a different dimension to the accompanying text, giving the gentle reader a better perspective of the distance covered on this initial overnight ride. Yet the nature of the pictures are such that the reader is convinced the ride actually spanned a much longer period of time.

The author, in his modest style, glosses over some key details that I would have spun into major aspects of the story. For example, Dom Change barely mentions that after a long day in the saddle, he had little sleep and awakened in the hotel with a raging headache. Many would have delayed their departure. His cure for the headache was to be in the saddle before dawn. 

(I may have had a headache under similar circumstances, but because I would have been hung over. And I generally sleep well in hotels, particularly if they are close to strip joints.)

In an effort to be both concise and precise, the author carefully relates his routing, yet offers a brief notation in the change of terrain. The reader is taken by surprise to discover the writer is caught in wild traffic, between two snow storms -- high in a mountain pass traversing the Rockies.

Once again, Dom Chang focuses on his final destination, which is the Mexican Hat rock formations, rather than trying to impress the reader on how he skirted incredible peril.

(I advised the author that I would have dealt more on the how he conquered his fear -- if any. I also told him to call the story, "Dodging Certain Death at 9,000 Feet." I was politely humored, before being dismissed.)

Congratulations Dom on a good read, great pictures, and superlative placement in a highly regarded motorcycle publication. You raise the bar for all of us. 

The time will come when I have a legitimate ride to relate.

Fondest regards,


Twisted Roads

redlegsrides said...


Thanks very much for your kind comments and words. It was great talking to you over the phone as well after the flurry of emails.

I look forward to the day I can ride with you and the folks of the mac-pac.

Thanks for your article ideas as well, I've written them down to mull them over and flesh them out.


irondad said...

Well, I'm not trapped by snow or ice at the moment. I decided to read the article because I'm just a natural glutton for punishment. After reading Jack's glowing words ( and he should know good writing as he's a master at it ) I'm not sure how much pain there will be.

Oh well, I guess I'll just settle in with some after dinner coffee and read it as dessert!

Congratulations. My only published works were evidence photos taken at grafitti scenes!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations and job well done. Keep writing, we want to read more!

Ride on,