It truly has been a long time since I got together with fellow Uralisti to shoot the shit over lunch and exchange tales. Some blame was cast in my direction as I've been camping a lot over the last few years!
Still, I met up with three longtime Uralisti friends, all Ural riders of course, whom I've ridden more than a few miles over the years.
The organizer was John S. Aka Spat. He's one of the originals of the core group of Ural riders in the Denver area. Then there was Tim L., photographer par excellence and architect. Rounding out the foursome was Dan K., a fellow Class C camping enthusiast as well as a motorcycle rider.
Lunch was at a small restaurant in Littleton, the Platte River Bar and Grill. The food was good but the conversation was best! We got all caught up on each other's lives, future travel plans and family. A great time for someone who is as anti-social as I am.
We said our goodbyes in the parking lot, the street in front of the restaurant was the scene of a three car accident so traffic was a bit chaotic.
We'll be trying to meet up again in June after I return from my overseas trip. Tim will also be away with his family as well.
Weather was sunny but cool, and very windy. Still, it made for some nice riding with Scarlett. This ride also proved out recent repairs on Scarlett, I had to replace a leaking oil seal on the final drive where the pusher axle pushes out the right side of the drive.
I'm happy to report a $2 seal did the trick.
How many km/year do you put on the Ural?
It's been a steady decline, RichardM: 2024: 1189 km or 713 miles, down from 2023's 1187 miles. Best year was 10423 miles in 2010. 2013 was 18,484 but that was the year of the Ride to Alaska and back.
Always fun to meet with friends. Next time you'll have some stories from your upcoming trip.
Most assuredly Oz, though zero moto content.
I'm glad the four of us got together, pretty close to the original CZAR (Colorado Zidecar Area Riders). I followed to 470 then west I think you went east there at least you had the wind to your back. I usually run freeway at a fair speed but the head wind took me down to an annoying speed. Enjoyed the afternoon see ya when your back.
Glad you organized it Spat! We really must do this more often.
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