Thursday, June 06, 2024

Back Home Early mostly due to Midges!

Wednesday, June 5

Lazy day today after a brief recce of the North Sand Hills Recreation Area.  The recce reminded me how unsuited it is for my camping requirements.  The access road is sandy and the access to campsite locations even sandier.

The trails are very sandy and Yagi, my TW200 showed me how unhappy she is on loose sand.

I rested the rest of the day away, as it turned warmer though still windy in the afternoon.  Still, the wind apparently had kept the swarms of midges under some control.  Luckily, the midges don't bite, just like to swarm in thick clouds.

The sunset was bland but I went out anyways for pics.

Uma at the Walden Reservoir

Here's a pic of the alpenglow on the mountains behind the town of Walden.  Note the swarms of midges hovering behind the VRRV, out of the winds.

Thursday, June 6

I woke late, almost 8 AM, it felt good.  The plan had been to hang about one more day before heading home on Friday.  However, a quick walk outside changed this plan.

The winds had died down you see and the swarms of midges had increased exponentially now that the winds were calm.  Though they didn't bite, it was a bit freaky moving about surrounded by them, occasionally one or more trying to get my attention by either flying near my ears or up my nostrils!

By 10:30 AM I had broken down camp, and left the midges to their own devices.

Four hours later, I was home.  Traffic was fine and only heavy at the expected points as one neared the overcrowded Front Range where Metro Denver is located.

Home for a bit I think, we'll see.


CCjon said...

As you said, they don't bite but they get in your mouth, eyes, coffee, drink, food, etc. No fun at all. Smart move to go where they are not.

Me said...

What an insane amount of midges! Nice photos.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks, Still Gravity, the midges were a bit disturbing.

redlegsrides said...

Indeed CCjon...

SonjaM said...

Such a beautiful area. Too bad that you were bothered by those midgets, they can be very irritating, and I would be getting out there as well asap. Cheers, Sonja M

redlegsrides said...

Luckily, all they did was hover around me in thick clouds...SonjaM, they could have been the infamous mosquito clouds of Alaska!