Sunday, February 20, 2011

Windy Riding to Sprucewood

We had us a sunny but "brisk" Sunday today here in Colorado, still, there was riding to be done.  It would be Jay's second ride on his "new to him" F650GS motorcycle so John (Spat) and I rode along with our two-wheeled steeds.  I've ridden with them many times before, but always on our was definitely a faster paced ride.

John was on his R1150GS and I was on Brigitta, my '87 R80 Airhead Beemer.  I failed to notice at the start, but Brigitta would go over 90,000 miles during the ride today.

Jay and Deana
photo courtesy of John (Spat)

We made our way on city streets from Deana and Jay's home southward until we found the back way to Daniels Park which is located to the east and above the town of Sedalia.  Temperatures were in the low 40s throughout the day but with the sun out, it was quite bearable for all of us.

A video shot by Deana as we rode inside of Daniels Park, you can hear the wind noise quite clearly

At Daniels Park

Spat's R1150GS

The view from the overlook

Jay and his new steed
photo courtesy of Deana

We left Daniels Park and proceded down to the road's junction with US85.  We went north on US85 until we got to the small town of Sedalia where I had to fill up, I'd forgotten to check when I left the house.

That chore done with, Jay and Deana led the way through Sedalia and onto CO67 towards Jarre Canyon.  The roads were pretty much clear though sand and gravel were very much in evidence.  There was snow and ice on the sides of the road as you will see in the pictures but we cruised on down to the settlement of Sprucewood with no problems.

We stopped and ate lunch at the Sprucewood Inn, had a good time conversing and warming up a bit from the cold riding so far.

photo courtesy of Jay

After a leisurely lunch, we saddled up once more for the return trip on CO67 back towards Sedalia.

photo courtesy of Deana

Riding on CO67
photo courtesy of Deana

Negotiating a hairpin turn on CO67
photo courtesy of Deana

Exiting Jarre Canyon
photo courtesy of Deana

We got to Sedalia just in time to be stopped by a passing coal train.  I used the opportunity to take this picture and to say my goodbyes to Deana, Jay and John.  They were heading North on US85 back towards the Denver Metro area and I elected to go South and bypass it and take the usual backroads back home.

Here you can see the difference in size between the 650 and the 1150 GS's

The weather was pretty good, a bit brisk but with everyone having heated grips on their motorcycles, no big deal.  Jay seems to like his new motorcycle just fine and it rides two-up just fine as he had no issues keeping up with John and I who were riding solo.

On a different topic, it cost a bit more than I figured on but I found a way to increase the garage space available for perhaps one or more motorcycles.  Yesterday, my wife traded in my 560SL Mercedes and her Pontiac Minivan for a 2005 BMW X5 SUV (though BMW calls it a SAV: Sports Activity Vehicle), it's the 4.4i AWD model and Martha's quite please with it so far.  Me?  I've got more to fill it.

Hope you got a ride in today.


RichardM said...

More beautiful CO scenery. I really enjoy the write-ups and the photos of your trips. Is Jay's F650GS a thumper or the newer twin? Just curious since they were riding two-up. I heard that the gearing was different between the two models.

Time to get a receiver hitch on the X5. You never know when you may need it. So you are now full time on the bikes, no cage to fall back on, eh?


WheresMurph said...

Wow,that was a quick move on the 560,sounds like a good trade though.
And yea,it WAS a bit windy today.I was out and about but still got knocked off course a few times.
Builds good riding skills, we're heading north on.........Ooops,no,now we're heading south.

Wanna do lunch and a ride this week?.I'm still here in Boulder,but was going to go down to Denver and pass by your casa and mail off the Dell.

redlegsrides said...


Jay's is a thumper but it seemed to do fine with both of them riding two-up.

See email

Chris said...

Nice ride Dom and a good move on the car! More space for bikes is always good! You pics made me jealous for last week's brief tease of spring. It's been snowing for 24 hours again now. I just remove 6-7 inches from the driveway.

Jack Riepe said...

Dear Charlie6 (Dom):

I can assure you that my first ride of the spring will not be nearly as picturesque. I suspect it will be gassing day, the first Saturday in April, and the accompanying photos will be of a diner. How did Deanna pivot 360º taking the picture of the distant mountains?

Fondest regards,
Jack • reep • Toad
Twisted Roads

Unknown said...

I've got an F650 and yeah, it's a thumper alright. If you hit it just right, close to 3k RPMs, it sounds like a Jetson's car floating through town. Pretty quiet when compared to my old Honda, though.

Still, the biggest problem with the f650 is the gearing, it's great on the lower end, but it whines real nasty when you start getting to higher speeds. I think the newer ones have a 6th gear, which would make all the difference. It's still a great bike, even with the limited gear selection - but then again, I'm a pretty scrawny guy.

Behind Bars - Motorcycles and Life

redlegsrides said...

Jack, I am sure your first ride this Spring will be "riveting".

As to how Deana did the "360", she carries her camera mounted on a monopod. In this case, she set it to record, held the monopod above helmet level and rotated it....pretty simple yet nice effect eh?

thanks for reading this stuff
