Monday, February 03, 2025

Yep, a few more rock formations and a "big brother is watching" find....

February 1

I rode Scarlett, my 2014 Ural Patrol, the 8 miles or so north on Hwy 85 till i got to Gate 9 of Area B, BGAFR.

I wanted to see if there was anyone camping along the main route heading towards Tophat Mountain.  No one around!

I was briefly tempted to displace for increased solitude but there is now only two other camping rigs where I'm at so I stayed in place.

No more work on the trailer today, it should  be good for the remainder of this camping trip.  Fingers crossed!

In the warm and sunny afternoon,  I rode Yagi, my TW200, to explore other rock formations further from the campsite.  This involved leaving Yagi at the end of the main road where signs mark it closed further on and hiking:

Another keyhole arch

Going round the bend of the rock formation above, I saw of all things a Starlink dish!

I figure it's part of the Border Patrol's efforts?  It's a pricy piece of surveillance gear, so your tax dollars at work!

I think it's a Axis Q6225-LE

The camera rotated every 30 seconds or so, monitoring the small valley shown below and also back towards the north, though not sure what it's looking at there since I believe a rock formation blocks its line of sight.  Maybe it's high enough on the pole...

This is basically what the camera is monitoring
part of the time.

Rock formations west of AZ Hwy 85, near the gate to the camping area I'm at.

Near the gate

February 2

Warmer conditions today!  The weather app says it will hit 80° today and of course it's sunny as well. I actually had to deploy the main awning to keep the sun off the right side of the RV!

I also started the prep work for my first attempt at focaccia bread, we'll see how it turns out.

A warm afternoon led to a nice and warm ride to different and same rock formations of yesterday. 

Sunrise lighting:

Yesterday's short ride with Yagi....this time checking out the last of the rock formations.

Ok, no more rock formations unless asked for.  Perhaps a trip to the church in Ajo is next, we'll see.  High of 84 degrees today!


SonjaM said...

What a gorgeous campsite, Dom. These sun bathing rock formation are wonderful. Cheers, SonjaM

redlegsrides said...

Danke, SonjaM.....