Monday, August 14, 2023

Camping in the Red Feather Lakes Area

For the next few days, we'll be enjoying the views and so far quiet atmosphere of West Lake Campground, near Red Feather Lakes, CO.

It took us just shy of three hours to drive to this campground, we're not towing anything this time as the Honda CR-V is in the shop for alternator issues.  It was good to get away again from the cesspool that is the Metro Denver area.

Martha scored us what we think is the best spot in the campground run by the USFS.  Good cell signal too, with three bars of LTE for Internet access.

The only bummer is that swimming isn't allowed in the lake.  The water is cool but I think we could have stood the temperature if it got warm enough in terms of air temperature!  Oh well.

Did some exploring with Yagi in the afternoon, typical lakeside communities with at least two grocery stores and even an Ace Hardware store nearby.

Sunset was under clear skies:


CCjon said...

That looks like a great spot for R&R. Does it take long to set up the gazebo?

redlegsrides said...

It's not a bad spot CCjon, being a campground it's got lots of people and most of the sites are stacked up on top of each other to my eye, but our site is isolated enough. It takes about five minutes to pop the gazebo up and another 5 to stake it down...not long at all.

Steve Williams said...

Been lurking on your posts for awhile enjoying the relaxed nature of your adventures. Even the unfortunate auto and towing challenges.

Now that Martha has retired and your comments about the cesspool of Denver I have to wonder if you guys aren't going to move somewhere else?

That lake does look inviting. No swimming? Is there a reason other than the nanny state not wanting people to accept the risk of drowning? Or are there alligators, snakes, or toxic substances?

Hope all is well with you. Life marches on here.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks Steve for the comments.... I doubt very much we will move from the cesspool as the kids are still there and no signs of moving on by them. I will just spend this little time as possible by camping and some time in the future perhaps some land somewhere else.

Asto why no swimming, there are no signs explaining this prohibition. I see people on kayaks and people fishing from the shore so pretty sure it's not polluted. The nearby ranger station is not manned so far as I can tell so I can't ask there.