Friday, November 12, 2021

Boondocking in Arizona, Day 3: A Repair and not much else...

 Another lazy day around the campsite, for the most part.

I did get around to replacing the failed Oxygen Sensor on the VRRV.  No issue with the task, the crowfoot tool I got from Napa, properly placed, an extension and I was able to remove the old and secure the new sensor with no cursing or bleeding.  

I won't know for sure if this is what was causing the error code being thrown by the VRRV's computer till sometime on Tuesday of next week.  That's when I plan to displace to the next campsite.

Rest of the day was spent reading and relaxing, enjoying the quiet before the expected storm of weekenders and their OHVs speeding about with no regard for others.

I went out for a short ride during lunch to check out a nearby wind-driven water well:

The cutoff mechanism doesn't appear to be working as the pump continues to fill the overfull tank, spilling the water onto the ground.

After more relaxing and reading, it was time for another short drive with the Sammy.  In case you're wondering, the sandy trails here are not manageable (by my lack of skill and nerve to be sure) by Yagi, my TW200, so am doing most of the moving with the Sammy.

I drove the Sammy to another wind-driven water pump located beyond the recreation area's boundary and closer to the base of Javelina Peak:

Driving back towards camp proved to be a bit hazardous as the lowering sun shone right into my eyes in spite of me pulling the brim of my hat way down.  The dirty windshield didn't help either I'll admit.

Here's the Sammy on the way back towards camp:

Sadly, there's already evidence of the weekender mob.  This imbecile decided to drive past me as I sat in the Sammy in the above pic, going full throttle and leaving me behind in a cloud of dust.  Nice.  So what if the speed limit is 10 MPH he must have thought.  Sadly, the dust cloud prevented his seeing my giving him the finger.  Just as well.

I expect tomorrow to be more noisy, crowded and dust-filled than the last couple of days.  It is what it is, I shall probably stay near the campsite.


CCjon said...

Am sure if you mounted a blue light bar across the top of Sammy, the idiots would slow down.... maybe. Won't even have to connect the lite bar either, Just having it would make them pause.

Then make a shield type magnetic sticker for your slide doors saying.... hmmm, Rat Patrol?

redlegsrides said...

Hmmm, Rat Patrol.... Throw away the automated machine gun and you got a deal.