Thursday, September 17, 2020

Wyoming Boondocking - Day 21: A Displacement, Generator Repair, Riding to check out shorelines

 Wednesday, Sep 16

After waking at 3AM, still feeling anger about the encroaching asshole on my campsite, I tossed and turned for a bit, finally deciding to move once it was light.  This allowed me to fall back asleep until almost 7AM.

My decision was confirmed when the encroacher was picked up by another guy towing a boat, so they could apparently go fishing.  Obviously, he wasn't moving today as I'd hoped so it was time to move.

I rode out on Yagi once again, reconned some spots and found a suitable one after perhaps 20 minutes.  The cell signal availability here is a bit tricky....sometimes just moving a few steps results in radically different signal strengths.

Got back to the URRV and broke down camp, displaced less than 1 mile (in fact I can still see the encroacher's travel trailer from the new location).  Set up camp quickly and by 9:30 I was set.

I'd discovered the control knob for the Predator generator loose and not functional while setting up.  I would spend the next three hours or so taking it apart to the point I could a. access the internal petcock which is connected to the control know; discovering the mounting bolt which holds it in place had worked its way loose and b. taking things apart to get at the petcock and finding the missing bolt on the bottom of the generator case!

I used Blue Threadlocker on this bolt, got everything buttoned up and the generator is once again operational.

It was after 12:30 PM at this point so I just hung out at the URRV relaxing a bit, enjoying once again being alone with my thoughts and trying to rid my mind of the encroacher's rude behavior.

Around 3:30 PM, I rode Yagi to the end of FR 005, the trail that I'm now camped along all the way to its end, exploring each branching off trail as I came to it.  Found some mildly interesting views, sites and tested for 4G connectivity whenever I found a suitable spot for camping.

This small island reminded me of a surfaced submaring, underway....

What's so special about this cove you ask?  The white bird at the
point of it never stirred the whole time I was there....perhaps it's nesting.

It pays to explore each branching of the trail, I found this floating dock in another small cove.  Bonus, the water has no evidence of the Algae Bloom that's currently infesting the waters near my old campsite.  I'll have to come back for a dip here.

Almost back to FR 005, I stopped for this nice view of small coves and the reservoirs main waters:

Retraced my route along FR 005, all the way back the the new campsite, no issues and bonus: no other encroachment activity!


SonjaM said...

I also doesn't appreciate when I get crowded. Some people are so inconsiderate. Glad you found another spot.

redlegsrides said...

This Scheisse Kopf epitomized rudeness, SonjaM....but alls well again

SonjaM said...

Dom, language! ;-)

SonjaM said...

Oh, and btw the correct German expression for this shithead is Arschloch (arsehole). No need to thank me ;-)

redlegsrides said...


redlegsrides said...
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redlegsrides said...

Always glad to add to my cussing vocabulary SonjaM!

CCjon said...

Good catch on finding the missing bolt.

What is the very tall tower above Umma? TV?

redlegsrides said...

Thanks CCjon, the tower is an extendable pole (repurposed from something else) holding the directional antenna for the cellular booster. Using the URRV ‘s one mast sans tv antenna to hold it.