Saturday, August 14, 2021

Westward, Ho! Day 17: A Sunrise and more Dam pics

I awoke with an upset stomach at 5:25 AM, probably the chocolate chewies I bought at the gas station last night.  That was a mistake, must have been made with milk.  I've become quite lactose intolerant in my old age you see.

I'd been craving some of Martha's delicious fudge for a couple of days now, and I thought what I bought might do in the meantime.  Nope.

Since I was up, and even before coffee, I headed out with the Sammy in search of a good sunrise picture taking spot.  You could see some promising color to the east you see.

I drove over to the Cedar Ridge Loop and found campsite 138 empty with a promising gap in the trees bordering the lake to the east.  I scrambled down the slightly steep vegetation/treed area and found a cut down tree trunk that was perfect for me to stand on; then supporting the camera on another cross branch as I was shooting under 1/30th of a second shots.

I got several good shots, but I liked this one best:

Not bad eh?

I returned to my campsite, cooked breakfast and coffee and prepared to head back out to the Clarence Cannon Dam for morning light pictures of the dam.

As expected, the sun's light was lighting up the dam nicely:

The above angle was obtained from an observation platform

That's it for productive use of my time today though.  Correctly anticipating high weekender activity I stayed close to the VRRV.  Mostly read or listened to books, listened as power boats careened up and down the nearby inlets in a seemingly frantic search for "fun" and just relaxed the day away.

I might have even fallen asleep for a bit after lunch, laying on the beach chair Martha had bought for this trip.  I like it.

One more full day, tomorrow, here at camp.  I should have planned better and headed out on Sunday since it was easy to reserve follow-on sites through  Oh well.  Not sure what I'll do, I've seen all I wish to see in the area.


SonjaM said...

"Not bad" sunset. DOM! The master of understatement.

redlegsrides said...

Thanks SonjaM, though it was a sunrise.... ;)

SonjaM said...

Even more so... simply beautiful.

redlegsrides said...
