Thursday, August 24, 2006

Cheap Farkle for Gretl - Windshield off

Ok, Ok, a few more bits and farkle for Gretl are in the works, one I mounted last night to her handlebar is a cheapie FM radio I got at Target. It's expendable, uses only one AAA battery but puts out enough sound to be able to hear the music while riding the motorcycle with a set of headphones.

I thought the music would be a distraction or prevent me from hearing traffic but so far so good.

What's Farkle? Electronics/Gadgets one gets for the motorcycle.

Oh, and I've decided to take the deflector windshield off Gretl for when I expect to do just regular commute riding, putting it on only for long rides on the weekends. It comes off easily enough with a couple of knob twists and Gretl does look "cleaner" without it.

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