Friday, April 06, 2007

Future Motorcycle Farkle?

Temps in high 20s with light freezing drizzle, so NOT riding...

Thought I'd post about this new gadget I bought at the beginning of this week and which has been taking up my free time at home. Sure, I rode to/from work as usual all week except for today but the rides were unexceptional except that the weather was nice and warm on the rides home with the exception of yesterday when it was gusting winds.

So, on to the gadget which I hope will help out when doing the longer rides to far off destinations. It's a Nokia N800 Internet Tablet. Here's a link to Nokia's site for all the info/specs. Suffice to say that it's a wifi-enabled tablet from which you can access the Internet (via wifi or suitable data-enabled cellphone), get/send email, rss feeds for news, play videos/music, run GPS software(which I might get) while using a bluetooth-enabled GPS Receiver, make VOIP phonecalls via your internet connection, instant messaging some other stuff.

No, it would not be accessed while on the motorcycle except for possibly in the future the voice prompts from the GPS software. However, I can see it being a handy replacement for a laptop while on the road to stay current on things when near a wifi spot.

Main reason I got it is that I can remote into my computer at home using this tablet and have all its functionality and not bother trying to get same on the tablet itself. It is, after all, not as functional as a full-up laptop. This way, I have access to my laptop without having to carry its bulk or dealing with its low battery uptime.

So far, am very impressed with its quality and display, I have to take off my glasses though to use it since the images are of course compressed by the smaller screen. Still the screen is much bigger than a internet-capable phone! It sucks sometimes to be an old geek. :)

Battery life is pretty good, about 4 hrs of active use when wifi-connected. I'll have to figure out a way to keep it charged up on the motorcycle if I elect to do the gps thing with it. This gadget just came out in January so am sure accessories are on the way for it from third parties.

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